Contact Me

I'm happy to visit with potential new clients by telephone or email and answer any questions you may have about my services or my approach to counseling. If you have questions about my services you may contact me in any one of three ways:

Call Me
Very likely, you will initially get voicemail, because I see clients most every hour. However, I will indeed listen to your voicemail and make every effort to return your call within 24 hours.

Text Message Me
If you text me, please start your text with the word "Inquiry:" This alerts me that you are a client asking questions. I am usually able to answer a text sooner than an email or phone call, but please be aware my text answers will be brief and not as thorough as a one to one conversation.

Email Me
You can email me directly by completing the form below or by emailing me at [email protected] from your own email account. The same is true for emails -- I will indeed read your email and make every effort to respond within 24 hours.

Thank you! I look forward to visiting with you.

We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner.